-------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Automatic ---------------------------- ---------------------- Moment Tensor Solution ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hypocenter -------------------------------------------------------------------- Origin Time: 2023-04-10 11:10:05.39 Magnitude: 3.2 MLv Latitude: 40.4415 N Longitude: 20.4316 E Depth: 5.0 km -------------------------------------------------------------------- Centroid -------------------------------------------------------------------- Centroid Time: 2023-04-10 11:10:07.63 Magnitude: 3.3 Mw Latitude: 40.4013 N Longitude: 20.4320 E Depth: 20.0 km Moment: 1.022e+14 Nm -------------------------------------------------------------------- NP1 -- Strike: 352 Dip: 29 Rake: -79 NP2 -- Strike: 160 Dip: 61 Rake: -95 -------------------------------------------------------------------- P-Axis -- Azimuth: 57 Plunge: 72 T-Axis -- Azimuth: 254 Plunge: 16 B-Axis -- Azimuth: 163 Plunge: 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mrr: -6.256e+13 Mtt: -2.922e+13 Mpp: 9.178e+13 Mrt: -1.681e+13 Mrp: 4.927e+13 Mtp: -3.386e+13 --##### ###--------###### ####------------##### ######--------------##### ########---------------###### #########----------------###### #########-----------------##### ##########-------- ------###### ##########-------- P -------##### ###########------- -------##### ## ######-----------------##### ## T #######----------------##### # ########--------------##### #############-------------##### #############-----------##### #############--------#### ############------### ############--### ######- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Quality Metrics -------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlation: 0.779 Variance Reduction: 0.607 Quality: A3 DC(%): 34.80 CLVD(%): 65.20 ISO(%): 0.00 Min Singular: 1.982e-15 Max Singular: 1.206e-14 Condition Number: 6.09 STVAR: 0.15 FMVAR: 28.81 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Used Stations -------------------------------------------------------------------- No of Stations: 13 Azimuthal Gap (deg): 69.888 Min Distance(km): 39.491 Max Distance(km): 253.580 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stat. N E Z Dist. (km) Frequencies LSK None None None 39.5 0.03-0.05 -- 0.07-0.09 TPE None None 0.89 43.4 0.03-0.05 -- 0.07-0.09 AL07A None None 0.19 49.2 0.03-0.05 -- 0.07-0.09 BERA None None 0.84 49.6 0.03-0.05 -- 0.07-0.09 AL08A None None None 74.7 0.03-0.05 -- 0.07-0.09 SRN 0.25 None 0.57 78.0 0.03-0.05 -- 0.07-0.09 VLO None None None 81.4 0.03-0.05 -- 0.07-0.09 AL04A None None None 95.2 0.03-0.05 -- 0.07-0.09 KPRO None None 0.72 97.1 0.03-0.05 -- 0.07-0.09 IGT None None 0.36 106.9 0.03-0.05 -- 0.07-0.09 KZN None None 0.78 114.1 0.03-0.05 -- 0.07-0.09 LKD2 None None None 189.5 0.03-0.05 -- 0.07-0.09 BCI None None None 211.1 0.03-0.05 -- 0.07-0.09 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Evaluation Info -------------------------------------------------------------------- Evalutation Mode: automatic Evaluation Status: reviewed Author: E.Dushi & B.Rama Version: 1.0 Agency: TIR - Institute of Geosciences