______________________________________ TIR Institute of Geosciences ______________________________________ ====================================== ======= Moment Tensor Solution ======= ====================================== Hypocenter Solution (TIR) Origin Time : 20240526 21:05:15.33 Lat: 43.3062 Lon: 23.9336 Depth (km) : 750 Mw : 5.0 ====================================== Centroid Solution Centroid Time : +4.89 (sec) relative to origin time Centroid Lat: 43.3075 Lon: 23.7938 Centroid Depth : 756 ====================================== No of Stations: 7 (KIRK-SJES-AL05A-THE-PENT-NVR-BCI) Freq band (Hz) 0.05-0.08 tapered 0.04-0.05 and 0.08-0.09 Variance Reduction (%): 2 Moment Tensor (Nm): Exponent 10**16 Mrr Mtt Mpp -1.583 -2.563 4.146 Mrt Mrp Mtp -0.353 1.510 -1.275 VOL (%) : 0.0 DC (%) : 17.8 CLVD (%) : 82.2 Quality : D4 Computed by: E.Dushi, B.Rama Best Double Couple: Mo= 4.143e+16 Nm NP1: Strike Dip Rake 304 83 166 NP2: Strike Dip Rake 35 76 6 P ----- ---- ---------- --------------------# ----------------------### #----------------------###### ######-----------------######## #########-------------######### #############---------########### ################-----############ # ###############-############# # T ##############---############ # #############-------######### ##############-----------###### #############--------------#### ##########------------------# ######------------------- ##------------------- ----------------- ------- Moment Tensor Solution computed using Gisola