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Departamenti i Gjeologjisë

Comparison between the Voskopoja ophiolite and the Ocean Core Complex of Puka and Krabi, Albania: a geochemical,petrological and structural study.
Geochemical, sedimentological and palaeontological investigation of Permo-Triassic sediments in Albania and Austria: investigations of regional differences and co-evolution during a very severe change of global environmental conditions.
Albanian Caves as archives of past Environments and climate: Exploring their potential for Scientific research and Touristic development
A comparison of the Mesozoic geodynamic history of the Eastern Alps (Austria) and the Albanides (Albania )

Departamenti i Meteorologjisë

Vlerësimi i rrezikut potencial dhe aktual i erozionit të tokës pë të gjithë territorin e Shqipërisë nëpërmjet Sistemit të Informacionit Gjeografik (GIS)
PROJEKTI I FINANCUAR NGA AKTI ME NR 230 M8700057, 231 M 8700058.

Departamenti i Sizmologjisë

NATO SfP 983054 (BSHAP) within “Science for Peace and Security” programme of NATO.
Albania Aftershock Campaign (AlbACa) Participant: GFZ-UPT (2019).
AlpArray – EPOS SP (ORFEUS)- (Seismic Network Working Group-member) COST section funded by EU, (2019).
Harbour Early – Warning ObservingHEROES) - INTEREG V-B Adriatic-Ionian ADRION Programme, 2014-2020, (2019-2021).
Operation of temporary broadband seismic stations in Albania – Participant: IGEO, GFZ, LMU Munich and Kiel University (2021)
Artikuj: 28
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