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Department of Seismology

Muҫo, B., 1999. Twenty years recording of Albanian Seismological Network: a catalogue and distribution of seismic energy released, in Vrancea Earthquakes: Tectonics, Hazard and Risk Mitigation, pp. 49-56, Wenzel, F., (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers. Pr
Muço, B.; 1995. Some features of seismicity of Albania. Acta Geophys. Polonica XLIII: pp. 313-324.
Muҫo, B. (1994). Focal mechnism solutions for Albanian earthquakes for the years 1964-1988,Tectonophysics. 231,311-323, https://doi.org/10.1016/0040 1951(94) 90041-8
Articles: 23
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Departament of Hydrology

Y Almulla, K Zaimi, E Fejzić, V Sridharan, L De Strasser… (2023)

Hydropower and climate change, insights from the integrated water-energy modelling of the Drin Basin, Energy Strategy Reviews.

Jaupaj, O., Zaimi, K., Doko, A., & Abazi, E. (2023).
Understanding wildfires and risk in Albania: Analysis of five years’ observational experience on the risk and its spatial distribution. International Journal of GEOMATE, 25(109), 229-236
Begoña Pérez Gómez, .... , Klodian Zaimi, .... (2023)

Coastal sea level monitoring in the Mediterranean and Black seas, Ocean Science| Journal article DOI: 10.5194/os-18-997-2022 Part of ISSN: 1812-0792

Jaupaj, O., Doko, A., Dervish, A., Kadria, F., & Zaimi, K. (2023).

Assessment of wildfires forecast performance in Albania: Case study. Scientific Horizons, 26(9), 143-152.

M Vodopivec, K Zaimi, ÁJ Peliz (2022)

Journal of Geophysical Research: The freshwater balance of the Adriatic Sea: A sensitivity study, Oceans

Toniolo S. ..... Zaimi K (2022).

Editorial: Sustainable life cycle assessment scenarios: Decision making perspectives, Frontiers in Sustainability

F. Hoxhaj, T. Ezer (2022)

Potential Significant Flood Risk of the Drin River Basin, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2022 – IOPscience, 122-127. ISSN 1742-6506

F. Hoxhaj, N. Rachev. (2021)

The Role of Sea Dynamics Factors on the Adriatic Coastline, Hydrology Days Meeting, April 25 – 27, 2021, Colorado State University, Fort Collins Colorado, Proc., p. 94-97. ISSN 0097-1766

Lata, L., Bart, A. J. W., Galaitsi, S., Samper, H. A., and Bruci, E. (2018) “First Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change and Development on the Water Resources of the Vjosa River, Albania.”
In Proceedings of the ICOALS, ISBN: 978-9928-245-34-2, Agricultural University of Tirana, 430-445.https://ajas.ubt.edu.al/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/20_AJAS_Full-Paper_Liljana-Lata_ICOALS-2018.pdf
Lata, L.,: “Catchment Delineation for Vjosa River WEAP model, using QGIS Software”.
Journal of International Environmental Application and Science, Vol.15/4, 30/12/2020, Turkey, p. 203-215. https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/jieas/issue/58720/840464
Articles: 13
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Departament of Meteorology

P. Zorba, G. Cela, E. Hoxha
“Rainfall situation during the floods of January 2021 in Shkodra region”, Buletini Mujor Klimatik, ISSN 2521-831X, Nr.57, September 2021.
E. Kucaj, M. Osmani, A.Gjoni, A. Bardhi, B. Kucaj and D. Bujku.
Assessment of Physico‑Chemical Characteristics of Lana, Tirana and Ishmi Rivers Using IDW Interpolation.International Journal of Environmental Science and Development. Indexing: Scopus (CiteScore 2021: 0.8). December 2022. IJESD 2022 Vol.13(6): 223-230 ISSN: 2010-0264, doi: 10.18178/ijesd.2022.13.6.1397, pg. 223-230.http://www.ijesd.org/vol13/1397-IJESD-6016.pdf
Enkelejda Kucaj, Monografi “TEKNOLOGJI REHABILITUESE PËR MBROJTJEN E LUMIT ERZEN NGA EROZIONI”. Botimet TOENA, Tiranë 2022, ISBN: 978 9928 376 28 2.
Petrit Zorba, Azem Bardhi, Albana Hasimi, Elvin Como, Anira Gjoni, Gazmir Cela, Elsuida Hoxha Monografi “BULETINI MUJOR KLIMATIK“ ISSN 2521-831X, Bulletin mujor.
Articles: 24
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Departament of Geology

Southeastern Albanian Ophiolites
Autor: Prof. Dr. Kujtim Onuzi & Friedrich Koller. Ne process botimi.
Petrologjia, Gjeokimia dhe Struktura e Ofioliteve te Shqiperise Veriore dhe Dinamika e Litosferes Oqeanike ( Monografi)
Ne process botimi
Gjeologjia dhe Mineralet e Dibres
Autor: Prof. Asoc. Vesel Hoxha. ISBN 978-9928-387-07-3. Botuar nga Shtypshkronja “Botimet M&B”, Viti i botimit 2022
Ophiolithic massives of Voskopoja, Morava, Vithkuq-Rehova (Albania) geology and petrology
Autor: Prof. Dr. Kujtim Onuzi & Friedrich Koller. ISBN ISBN 978-9928-328-74-8, Botuar nga Shtypshkronja Triptik. Viti i botimit 2021
Tropoja & Valbona Perlat e Shqiperise se Veriut (Monografi & Guide Turistike)
Autor: Prof. Asoc. Dr. Nezir Mekshiqi. ISBN: 978- 9928-171-34-4. Botuar ne shtypshkronjen Kristalina- KH, 2016. Viti i botimit 2016.
Teksturat, Strukturat dhe Vecorit Morfo- Strukturore te Kromiteve ne Masivin Ofiolitik Tropoje- Has (Monografi)
Autor: Prof. Asoc. Dr. Nezir Mekshiqi, IGJEUM, UPT; Prof. DR. Adil Neziraj, SHGJSH, Tirane. ISBN:978-9928-171-19-1. Botuar ne shtypshkronjen “ Kristalina- KH”. Viti i botimit , 2015
Manuali i Analizave Kimike dhe Baza e te Dhenave Petrologjike e Gjeokimike te Ofioliteve dhe Kromiteve ne Masivin Tropoje- Has
Autor: Prof. Asoc. Nezir Mekshiqi & MBA Fitim I. Halili. ISBN 978-9951-8866-9-7. Botuar nga Shtepia Botuese e Librit Universitar, 2013. Gjakove
Articles: 7
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